Journey Young Adults, or JYA, is a ministry within Journey Church that seeks to teach, train, and transform young adults between the ages of 18-25 by creating intentional spaces that foster robust and passionate discipleship to Jesus that cultivate a lifetime of faithfulness.We exist to glorify God by equipping and sending young adults to be disciples who make disciples of Jesus by devoting ourselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship of the saints, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer in order to serve the Church and fulfill the Great Commission.

JYA seeks to help cultivate spiritual formation through regular weekly gatherings. Weekly gatherings intend to equip young adults to grow in their love and knowledge of the Holy Scriptures; to foster intimate community with one another over meals; to discover, cultivate, and exercise gifts (i.e. teaching, preaching, facilitating small-group Bible studies, worship, production, etc.), and to be connected to the local church.
JYA meets every Monday night at 7PM at Journey Church. To sign up, click the button below.Follow us on Instagram at @journeyyoungadultssc for weekly updates and announcements!
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