J1:27 Monthly Prayer Guide
Our J1:27 prayer guide introduces
12 groups of people connected to the foster care system, all of whom need our prayers. We pray with the belief that God will hear us and provide abundantly for the children and families in our communities.
We also hope this prayer guide will raise awareness and inspire advocacy for these groups.
For more information about serving with J1:27 or getting involved in foster care and adoption support in our community, please email Kat Deal.
The J1:27 Ministry is a ministry of Journey Church that exists to wrap around children and families in support of adoption, foster care, single mothers and widows, as modeled in scripture in James 1:27.
What We Do
Family Support for foster and adoptive families, and single mothers through regular group meetings including the Foster & Adoption Group and the Thrive ministry, and special events.
Train and Equip adoptive and foster families through monthly meetings, interest meetings, promotion events, and special training events.
The Chosen Project is Journey Church’s adoption grant fund which awards grants every January and July to help Journey Church families cover costs associated with adoption. Applications will be de-identified prior to processing by the selection committee, and information provided will remain confidential.
We invite you to partner with us as we wrap our arms around children and families in our community! Here are a few ways you can serve:
Serve at our Foster/Adoption Group or Thrive Meetings: We could always use help with provision of refreshments, and setup/cleanup at our regular support meetings.
Wrap around a specific family: So many foster, adoptive and single parent families could benefit from having people who will take responsibility to care for them and build long term supportive relationships.
Serve area DSS office & workers: We periodically deliver resources to local DSS offices, and provide care packages for the individual social workers.
Connect, follow and respond: Needs are posted on our Facebook page/group.

If you're interested in fostering or adopting but don't know where to start, click the button below to download a helpful resource.